You have 14 days from receipt of your order to request a return. The return is your right and it will always be accepted if you proceed with your request following these steps.
- We cannot substitute the items but only REFUND them, If you need substitutions please make a return and then please place a NEW order on the website.
- Our return policy only allows a refund of the returned items.
- You can make a single return request for each order.
- The shipment costs for the return will be on our charge only if the return is carried out in accordance with the following procedure.
To request your return, login to Ghōud and go to MY ACCOUNT. If you forgot your password please make the "Remind Password" process.
If you buy as a guest, you can request a return on the REQUEST A RETURN section on Ghōud. Please insert the requested data and follow the instruction.
- Go to ORDERS HISTORY and click "REQUEST RETURN" next to the order you want to return. (Please Note: the "REQUEST RETURN" button normally appears 3 days after the order is placed, and disappears automatically on expiry of the 14 days term in which you can return the goods).
- Select the items you want to return and complete the procedure.
- After submitting your return request you will receive an automatic confirmation E-MAIL where you will find:
- A RETURN CODE associated with your order (e.g. RD1234).
- Two SHIPPING LABELS in the body of the e-mail to be printed and cut out along the dotted lines.
- PRINT the e-mail containing the shipping labels received; place a label inside the parcel and attach the other one on the outside.
- Stick the DHL EXPRESS LABEL with BARCODE, that you find attached to you return request e-mail, on the outside of the parcel along with FORM 1. ONLY in case you also have received in your parcel the WAYBILL DOC sheet, hand it to the courier upon pick-up.
- CONTACT the DHL EXPRESS courier through the link in the email to schedule your pickup.
After verification of the integrity of the product (as per General Conditions of Contract), the cost of the item/s will be refunded, while shipping costs will be retained by Ghōud.
Usually Ghōud accepts your return within 15 working days from the date of delivery to our warehouse. Upon verification of the integrity of product (as General Conditions of Contract,) we will refund immediately.
Refund will be visible within 24 hours and you will also receive a confirming email directly by PayPal platform.
Can I return the products with another courier other than those reported by you?
Yes, but in this case, the shipping costs for return will be your responsibility. The return must be in any case approved by our Customer Service by email.
I lost the return form!
If you have lost your return form you can send an email to Customer Service requesting a new copy.
Can I return two different orders in one box?
Yes, feel free to use one box! The important thing is that the tags are firmly attached and please specify the number of orders.
Send us an EMAIL with your inquiry: we will be happy to help you!